Smile's Guide to Digital Marketing for Commercial Roofing Contractors

Whether you’re commercial roofing business is brand new, or you’ve been doing this for a while, digital marketing is crucial to your business growth in today’s highly competitive online market. If you aren’t doing any digital marketing for your commercial roofing business, now is the time to start.

Why invest in digital marketing for your roofing business? Because you can bet that your competitors are investing in digital marketing and that their businesses are reaching customers out there looking for services like yours. If you don’t join the conversation online, you’ll miss out on the many opportunities to reach your ideal audience – businesses looking for commercial roofers like you!

Digital Marketing Techniques for Commercial Roofing Contractors

Website Development

When it comes to digital marketing, there are many different ways to increase your online presence, beginning with a high-quality and user-friendly website. Your website is the key to all other digital marketing efforts, so it’s important to create a solid foundation first.

Some of the most important features of a successful roofing website include:

  • Intuitive navigation
  • Relevant and compelling content for your target audience
  • SEO optimization
  • Page speed optimization
  • Responsive design (to look good on any device)
  • Accessibility

It’s important to work with an experienced web development agency to ensure each of these features is included in your website for the best results. Once your website is up and running, then you can add in additional digital marketing tactics, such as blogging, social media, email marketing, and advertising.


Many companies across various industries don’t underestimate the value of blogging for their business. Blogging is important to help keep your brand relevant in the market. Blogging helps your commercial roofing business stay top of mind with existing and potential customers, by providing news, updates, and educational information about the industry. And by positioning your brand as an expert in roofing, potential customers will be more likely to trust you and want to hire you over the competition.

Social Media

Blogging and social media marketing often work well when combined, as social media provides the perfect platform to share your informative blogs with a wide audience. Social media is also an effective way to reach your audience on its own, by regularly posting organically, boosting your posts to reach specific audiences, and creating ads to generate leads or increase brand awareness.

Reputation Management

Being in the service industry, your online reputation is extremely important, os managing that is something you must do carefully. Luckily, there is no shortage of reputation management tools out there to ensure your listings are up-to-date, and to alert you when you receive reviews – both good and bad – so you can respond in a timely and professional manner.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great way to stay in front of your target audience, by sharing tips, updates, promotions, and other relevant industry information with them via regular emails. By keeping your business name fresh in your audience’s mind (and inbox), they are more likely to call you when they need commercial roofing services because yours is the company name they remember and are familiar with.

Additional Digital Marketing Efforts

The methods discussed above are just a few ways to engage with your prospects online. At Smile MEDIA, we are happy to help you identify the digital marketing methods that make the most sense for you, based on your business needs and goals.

Measuring the Success of Your Commercial Roofing Digital Marketing Efforts

There are many tools available to measure the ROI of your roofing website, starting with Google Analytics, which provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. This free tool (with paid upgrades available) is one of the most robust analysis tools around.

Another great tool for measuring your website’s SEO optimization is SEMRush, a tool that allows you to perform SEO, content marketing, competitor research, PPC, and social media marketing in one place. If you’re looking to see where users are interacting most with your website, Hotjar Heatmaps is a great tool to help you better understand your audience’s needs and preferences.

Developing a Digital Marketing Plan For Your Roofing Company

When implementing digital marketing campaigns for any industry, it’s crucial to have a clear plan before you begin. By knowing your goals, setting milestones and deadlines, and putting measures in place to analyze your key performance indicators (KPIs) along the way, you’ll get the most out of your digital marketing efforts. Because your efforts will be more focused and organized, it will be easier to see your progress and to identify areas needing improvement as they arise.

By working with a professional digital marketing and web development company like Smile MEDIA, you can rest assured that your website will look and function the way you need it to, helping you to generate quality leads for your commercial roofing business while you sleep. We also work with clients to create digital marketing strategies to help you meet your unique goals as your business grows and evolves. Get in touch to see how we can help you today.

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Lisa Leslie
A writer by nature, Lisa has a way with words that captures her readers' attention and drives them to action. She has intuitive writing and editing skills, in addition to 10+ years of experience in traditional, digital and social media marketing. When she's not writing, you'll find her enjoying the outdoors with her family. Protection Status